Sunday, October 10, 2010

Miso Naked Apple Harvest Soup

A few days ago it was raining and I really wanted some hot foods. Like pizza, or a burger or hot sake. So, I dug around in my fridge and found some stuff that was just screaming to be used. I accessed my kitchen and came up with this.  it was surprisingly amazing.

BTW, you have to be drinking Sake while making this. I like unfiltered Nagori Sake.


Bunch of white radish, diced
6 Finger potatoes, diced
1 red Bell Pepper, diced
2 Small Braeburn Apples, chopped
Celery, chopped
1 White Onion, Diced
6 cups of water
Nutritional Yeast
Garlic Powder
Onion Powder
Salt  to taste
Pepper  to taste
NUTIVA Coconut Oil
Kyoto Red Miso paste
Sake in your right hand

In a pot, pour 6 cups of water and bring it to a boil. While that's going on heat some Nutiva Coconut oil in a pan. Throw the white radish, finger potatoes, apples, white onion, and red bell pepper in the pan to stir fry, until brown.

As the water should be boiling by now, dump everything in that pan into the pot. Take a swig of Sake.

Now, throw in the nutritional yeast, celery, garlic powder, onion powder, salt and pepper.  Then comes the Miso. Now, for each cup of soup it should be one teaspoon of miso, or until it tastes good. Watch out though, Miso can be salty.

After everything comes to a boil, you're ready to serve it. Now take a shot of Sake and let's go eat!


Naked Dude Chef

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